5 October 2014


After few days curing my soaps, I do ph test for making sure that oil and lye water reacted (it is called saponification) whole through and ph reading is in "safe to use" range (ph 7-10).

I use ph strip which some people say not reliable, yes it is not but not totally. You do not have to know exact number of ph, just need to make sure it is not too high in alkaline which is over 11.

In my experience, even it is not so much of that, soaps right after removing from mold are a bit high in alkaline, after few days or a week, it goes down.

One-day-old soap is high in alkaline
 This photo is taken on 27-Sep just after I cut soaps and they were still soft. I ph tested and it was dark purple (ph11 or 12). It is quite high in alkaline and not so good to use straight way. (Although there are some hot spring in Japan the ph of water is over 11 and for short time bath is totally safe for our skin.)

After few days, ph is around 9
This photo is taken on 5-Oct and ph test shows green in color, ph is around 8 or 9. Ready to use! (in ph)
I know they need to cure longer, but if you really want to use it, you can use it!

Place soaps, ph strips and water

  1. Place soaps on a white board.
  2. Prepare ph strip and water
  3. Drop water on the soaps
  4. Soak ph strip with water on the soaps
  5. Read the results

Drop water on the soaps
Use fingers to dissolve soap. Mix soap and water well, or reading might be lower than it actually is.

Read the results

Read the results. Top one is about 10, I put baking soda in the soap so it is a bit higher than other soaps. 

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